Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sports Day 体育大会

-Last Friday, September 19th was Sports Day at Miki High School. This is a day when the entire school participates in competitive athletic activities. Even though there was a typhoon blowing in (!) Sports Day went on. The week prior to the big day we had an entire day off of classes to practice, and 2 days of classes were shortened. There were lots of parents and community members there to watch.
Kubo-sensei rocks the Jayhawk spirit with his hat on Sports Day.
There were 4 teams- blue, white, yellow, and red. Each team was made up of 6 homerooms- 2 from each grade. The above photo shows the flags that each team created.
The students wore their gym uniforms- green for 1st grade, red for 2nd grade, and purple for 3rd grade. The above photo is the team jump rope competition.
There were alot of relay events, including one with a team of teachers. Each time the relays started they would play fast paced classical music, including the William Tell Overture.

The above photo was perhaps the most dangerous event of the day. The girls took to the field and in teams of 4 created "horses" of 3 people with riders. The rider wore a cap and the goal was to knock off the caps of the riders from the opposing team.
After lunch the marching band took to the field and played a compilation of songs by the Carpenters.
The afternoon also included a spirit competition where each team performed a dance number. Here the members of the red team get ready to perform.

The scoreboard.
By the end of the day we only had a small amount of rain concentrated around the lunch hour, and the wind was heaviest in the morning, so I'm happy to say that the typhoon didn't ruin the day. A few events were cancelled, but overall it was fun to sit outside and watch the spectacle of Sports Day.

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